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Maximize Your Influence to Make Toddler Mornings Meaningful

by Marie L. Masterson and Katherine C. Kersey

“Doggy!” says Anna, as she presses a cookie cutter into the playdough. “Yes,” responds Ms. Garrett, who is sitting at the low table with the children. “You made a purple dog! Is he hungry? Let’s make some food for his dish.” She notices Jacob rolling a ball between his hands. “Are you making a snake? Can you make him wiggle into his cave?” She sees that Sam has just arrived. “Come and join us. I have a bowl of red playdough for you.” 

Building Bridges to Understanding in the Pre-K Block Center: A Morning in the Block Center

by Lee Ann Christenson and Jenny James

Emma, 4 years old, carefully steps around the other block structures to inspect the hospital she helped build. She is problem solving. What will the community need next? Dylan and Rohit, frequent players in the block center, are deep in conversation. How should the river flow through the community? Nearby, Aditya, who recently began to play in the block center, chimes in, saying, “I think you need a bridge over the river. The ambulance has to get to the hospital.” Further down the river, Ms. Lisa kneels down to examine Emma’s work. Emma discusses with her the merits of building the doctor’s bed next to the hospital.

A Sense of Place: Human Geography in the Early Childhood Classroom

by Pamela Brillante and Sue Mankiw

Walking downtown is 4-year-old Abby’s favorite thing to do with her dad. Today is the first day that Abby hasn’t had to wear a coat on their walk. They walk under shady trees and stop to notice all the white flowers blooming outside the library where Abbey and her grandma go for story hour with Abby’s friends. The smell of lilies of the valley permeates the air. As they get closer to downtown, Dad picks Abby up while they cross the broken sidewalk near the post office so she does not get hurt on the rough terrain. It can be difficult for her to navigate uneven ground with her walker. 




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